Thursday, August 28, 2014

What do you think of dining under a real waterfall?!

Thursday, August 28, 2014 - by Th7Science 0

What do you think of dining under a real waterfall?!
 It is natural that seeks restaurants to attract customers in different ways, but perhaps the strangest of these methods is to provide them with food under a waterfall Gary!
 رأيك تناول الطعام شلال حقيقي؟!! Waterfalls-Restaurant-in-Villa-Escudero-21.jpg
Imagine that this scene is amazing there is a real restaurant in the Philippines!
 رأيك تناول الطعام شلال حقيقي؟!! waterfall-restaurant-philippines-4.jpg
You can eat at this restaurant meals Filipina appetite while fresh water passes between your feet and you hear the roar of the waters of the waterfall, though not enough for you so you can enjoy being under the waters of the waterfall to get a massage from a natural water pounding!

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