Friday, August 22, 2014

Golden City jewel in Russia

Friday, August 22, 2014 - by Th7Science 0

It is a city of Suzdal, a district administrative center of Vladimir Oblast "Suzdalski, Russia."
Suzdal city is the capital of many Russian Emirates, is also Suzdal is the jewel
Gold and circular in Russia.
Suzdal is located in the north-east of Moscow, at a distance of 26 kilometers (16 miles) from Medinhvladimir,
On the Kamenka River, and swallow Population: 10,535 (2010 census); and 11,357 (2002 census); and 12,063 (1989 census)
The city of Suzdal as one of the ancient cities of the country retained by museums live
Cultural past in Russia.
The city of Suzdal unique experience for those who want to watch and enjoy the best of historic architecture in Russia.
Suzdal city date back to 1024 years, the entire city is a museum like the great outdoors, which navigates visitors back in time.
Distinctive historic architecture
    Some photos :
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